Chocolate - Don’t you wish you could have chocolate and not gain the chocolate weight? Now you can! The rich chocolate flavor overwhelms your taste buds to create a truly satisfying experience. Every cup sends a smooth boost of energy that is perfect to push through the 2:30 feeling while the antioxidants help improve overall health. Immerse yourself in the decadence of this tea and you’ll never be the same again.
Hi! I’m Sophie Summers, a certified personal trainer, and nutrition coach. I love sharing my passion for nutrition and healthy living with my readers. I believe that healthy living encompasses all areas of our lives (body, mind, and soul). I hope to inspire women to lead an active, healthy, and mindful lifestyle. Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey!
All product reviews are submitted by real people, unfiltered by Any moderation of reviews submitted on this site is to filter for profanity, abuse, or false information. All product comparison points such as calories contained in each serving, price, and other nutritional information are factual, cited with sources and dates of access.
Detox teas are essentially herbal teas used to detoxify the body. They have become an increasingly popular way for health-conscious people to detox after heavy foods, alcohol, drugs, and even their livers in general. In some ways, this practice of detoxification is nothing new, and neither is Traditional Medicinals Organic EveryDay Detox Tea, which is what makes it so effective. It draws on time-tested and proven methods to purify the body and even assist in weight loss.
Iaso Tea claims to detox your body to help with losing weight more efficiently and clearing your body of harmful toxins. Their claims of purifying the blood and regulating bowel function also go into this category as well. The claim also seems a bit bold to us since the human body has it’s very own way of breaking down and removing these toxins such as our liver, kidneys, and skin. There isn’t much research done to prove that our body needs extra help with these functions, which makes it a bit useless. 
Does Yogi Detox tea clean your system? Absolutely. Throughout the day, you expose your body to unwanted toxins through the air you breathe and the food you consume. If you find that you don’t always make the best decisions for your physical health, Yogi Detox tea can help. The tea will assist your liver and kidneys in ridding your body of unhealthy impurities and toxins.
Samantha, yes absolutely! We don’t ever recommend “starve yourself” detoxes. There is a much healthier way to achieve great results than depriving your body of nutrients for a few days. I would recommend sticking to lighter foods though. You can detox from specific things such as sugar and carbs or you can try a smoothie/juice detox. Just try to fill up on salads and veggies rather than heavier stuff like meats during a detox. I hope that helps!
Samantha, yes absolutely! We don’t ever recommend “starve yourself” detoxes. There is a much healthier way to achieve great results than depriving your body of nutrients for a few days. I would recommend sticking to lighter foods though. You can detox from specific things such as sugar and carbs or you can try a smoothie/juice detox. Just try to fill up on salads and veggies rather than heavier stuff like meats during a detox. I hope that helps!